
Diagnostic Evaluations

Diagnostic evaluations are comprehensive assessments consisting of 2 sessions for adults for a total of 90 minutes, or 2-3 sessions for children and adolescents for a total of 120 minutes.

During this initial assessment, I will focus on understanding your personal narrative and how you came to your current difficulties. I will oftentimes review prior medical and psychiatric records and, with your consent, speak to prior treatment teams, schools, or trusted family members. The purpose of the evaluation is to formulate a thorough understanding of the primary issues which will help us develop a treatment plan specifically tailored to your individual needs. Evaluations will conclude with a feedback session where we will discuss these impressions as well as the corresponding treatment plan. Treatment recommendations can consist of psychotherapy and medication if appropriate. Treatment recommendations can also include referral to more intensive treatment programs or specialists more suited to your needs. Completion of the initial evaluation is not guarantee of future treatment.

Follow-up Appointments

If we determine that we are a good fit to work together, we will discuss frequency of ongoing treatment which can range from weekly for psychotherapy to monthly for medication management. Established patients must be seen at least once every 3 months.

Follow-up appointments range from 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Follow-ups can consist of medication management, psychotherapy, or a combination of both.


I am based in Maryland and treat patients located in New York and Maryland. All appointments are conducted via telepsychiatry. Please note that at this time I do not prescribe controlled substances to patients located in New York.